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charleyfarley 3:08 Sun Nov 19
⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread

........... V

    6th Apr 15:00 GMT
    VAR Tim Robinson

Tony Harrington: (6) - 22 1

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Awaiting team news

West Ham 6/4: Draw 12/5: Wolves 17/10


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

North Bank 5:23 Tue Dec 19
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
chim I totally agree on Brooking he was the best & most skilful I've seen in the claret & blue, followed closely Dev, DiCanio & all too briefly Payet, all could turn the game with a flash of brilliance and ge you out of your seat, Paqueta's on the right track but like Payet his stay may be all too rief.

chim chim cha boo 10:00 Tue Dec 19
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Oh man, Billy Bonds, Trevor Brooking's minder. Fucking hell, they were the days eh?

Trev made the game look like the easiest thing in the world with his range of passing, always aware of what he would do with the ball BEFORE he even received it. His mental map of who was where has never been bettered in my opinion.

Obviously some cunt would be told to kick the fuck out of him and sure enough he would get smashed in the first ten minutes.

Two minutes later a certain Mr Bonds, socks down and no shinpads would smash the cunt who kicked Trevor straight into the Chicken Run who would give them a few digs too.

It was a glorious time.

easthammer 7:20 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Not wishing to challenge anyone's opinion on who is the best right back in a West Ham shirt ( as it is a generational thing ) but for me I doubt that I will see anyone to get close to John Bond, and certainly none that have been mentioned so far get close.

Although thinking a bit more I should remember that both
Billy Bonds and Martin Peters both started their careers as Right Backs!

Nutsin 6:45 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
No worries Chim,

We all have our moments.

chim chim cha boo 6:44 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview

Sorry. I DID say I was a bit of a cunt who knows nothing about football though.

I've been a season ticket holder for forty years or more but unless it's us I can't be bothered to watch football at all. I even struggle watching England, and probably won't even bother with my national team now Rice has gone.

My pal who sits in front of me even had to tell me that Gary O'Neil was their manager!


Nutsin 6:36 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview

I should have known better than to listen to Chim.

Nagel 6:24 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Parris mainly played LB the first half of his WHU career and then RB the 2nd half (after Dicks joined). He also played in midfield a fair bit throughout.

fraser 5:54 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Nutsin he was a right back... I'll refer you to your own post :-)

Side of Ham 5:42 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Chim, Lucas was definitely a right back for us with Johnny Paintsil his back up….our left backs at that time were Konchesky & George Mac…..

Nutsin 5:27 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Post of the year right here,

Two showing his limited knowledge again of the club he has supported for 50 years

Lucas Neill far better than Coufal.
George Parris too.

What a genius Daveyg is. Comparing a left back to a right back in a manner suggesting he has superior knowledge no less.

What a fucking donut!!!

chim chim cha boo 5:26 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
It's a West Ham thing though. Nothing takes me back to being a little boy like that ever. Getting Sir Trev's autograph when he opened a carpet shop in Shadwell market then going home and practicing his signature as we have similar surnames which means I've always signed my name a Trevor Brooking!

Or the time I sat across the District line train when Alan Devonshire sat facing me. I was so fucking starstruck I couldn't breathe!

Weird thing is, I had a job riding massive stars around on motorbikes for years. Bruce Willis? 'Hi I'm Bruce'. 'Hello mate, I'm Chim, let's get this crash helmet on you and be on our way'. David Beckham? 'Hello mate, I'm David'. 'Course you are, let's get this crash helmet...'

I took literally hundreds of footballers, managers, actors, pop stars around with no bother in the world. Then I hade to take Tony Gale from Watford stadium to Stamford Bridge and I was a simpering mess!

Manuel 5:26 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Neill was an impressive individual and a good player, no doubt. Read just recently that he's run into trouble, but could be BS, who knows.

chim chim cha boo 5:11 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Football genius that I am and having watched live every match Lucas Neill ever played for us I thought he was a left back!

He was certainly the best captain I've ever seen. I once got invited into the players lounge after a game, sitting with a cup of tea and Lucas walked up to me, put his hand out and said 'hello Chim, nice to meet you'. It totally frazzled my brain as I absolutely loved him and I couldn't talk or even shake his hand. He patted me on the shoulder, laughed and said 'take care of yourself mate' and walked off.

Still a bit stunned I looked across to the pal who'd invited me and he was absolutely pissing himself laughing as he'd obviously put him up to it. What a cunt I am!

swindon hammer 4:20 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Coufal & Soucek have been great signings for us and are still valuable players in the squad but I agree we probably need upgrading for next season.

Also agree that Lucas Neill & Tim Breacker were probably better Right Backs.

George Parris though played more games for us at Left Back and Midfield than he did at Right Back.

onsideman 4:20 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview

I know we turned to Pacqueta after we lost out on Onana, but the latter in that midfield now in place of Soucek would be decent

scott_d 3:37 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Agree with an upgrade on Soucek needed but I think with Coufal we need to be careful what we wish for as he has been solid and it's a position we've struggled to fill for a while.

Imagine a peak-form Diame or Kouyate playing in that midfield instead of Soucek? I think they would thrive. So it shouldn't be too difficult to find a decent upgrade.

Ron Eff 3:28 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Interesting comparison to Dawson, who while he did a decent job for us and was a bit of a cult hero, probably in part due to being a bit of a throw back, he did show yesterday the exact element of his game that used to make me nervous when he played for us when Bowen roasted him for his goal and he chased back like he had lead in his boots.

Coufal has been excellent for us in the main. Limited of course, but better than any of the current alternatives. Of course he just should be upgraded on if we can, but he’s a decent full back.

Sir Alf 3:24 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread
Agree with regard to Coufal. Great signing but you have to know when and where to upgrade and his position is one area but can wait until summer as he is still doing a decent job.

Soucek’s position and role is more urgent imo. He does a few unseen or “dirty work” and yesterday 2 timely interceptions and a great tackle but not always and unfortunately a severe lack of pace for this league. Add to that a limited technique ( passing and control ) impacts our ability to pass thru the lines or press. Furthermore, as per yesterday, Soucek usually gets caught in possession at least once or twice in dangerous positions.

Again he’s been a decent acquisition but to progress we need a better box-to-box midfielder who has the extra pace and technique to make our overall midfield even stronger. Maybe Kudus going more central may be that replacement as he seems to get up and down the pitch and contributes with a lot of defensive cover? And that then leads us back to the priority position of a central striker. A proper wide left midfielder wouldn’t go a miss either but one step at a time. A central striker has to be the priority

daveyg 3:05 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread - Preview
Two showing his limited knowledge again of the club he has supported for 50 years

Lucas Neill far better than Coufal.
George Parris too.

BRANDED 3:02 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread
Like Dawson, he had and has his distractors but in both cases they delivered consistently. If we can improve for 5 million then sure. Otherwise his replacement will cost unless there is a youth player ready to fill his boots.

Side of Ham 2:55 Mon Dec 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Wolves - Official Match Thread
twofacedslater......Tim Breaker & Lucas Neill were better.....

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